North East Portland Chimney Rebuild

This chimney was cracked,  loose and crumbling from the top down to just below the roof line. The chimney needed to be taken down and rebuilt using new red Roman brick.  Tan Roman brick was not available, but red roman gives a great look. New flashing and crown were installed with this new chimney.


Here we are before

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and now, after.

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Need your chimney inspected? Need an estimate for repairs?


Portland Fireplace and Chimney Inc. is licensed, bonded and insured, and has a history of providing excellent service to customers for well over 25 years. Our family has been living in the northwest and servicing people with not only chimney needs but many other areas of construction such as roofing, foundation, and forensic leak determination. It is our passion, our livelihood and our love of the community around us that inspires the excellence in trade knowledge and customer service.

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